Abstract submission guidelines

19th January 2024

Deadline for abstracts submission

Before you begin
All abstracts must be submitted through the online form below. Logging within the electronic platform is required prior to abstract submission.
English is the default language for the conference. Written content (abstracts, slides, and posters) needs to be in English, and presenters should be able to participate in an English-based live discussion.
All presenters will be required to register for the conference by the early registration deadline. Presenters who do not register by this date will not be included in the conference program.
Each person is allowed to submit only one abstract as first/presenting author. All kind of presentations are included in this rule. A person may serve as a non-presenting co-author on several abstracts.
The Scientific Committee reserves the right to ask authors of oral abstracts to change their presentation format. Specifically, authors submitting abstracts for oral presentation may, in some cases, be invited to present a poster instead. We will notify you well in advance of any such change.

Thematic blocks

1. Oral biofilms

2. Microbial pathogenesis of oral diseases

3. Modulation of the oral microbiome

4. Host-microbial interactions

5. Oral homeostasis and dysbiosis

6. Systemic effects of oral diseases

7. Novel concepts/methodologies in oral microbiology

8. Novel treatments, including Infection Control in dentistry

Grants for Early Career Scientists thanks to








Technical Secretariat


Alo Congress – VB Group
Numancia 73, 3A 08029 Barcelona - Spain
Phone: (+34) 933 633 954
Queries: secretary@eomw2024.com
Payment and invoices: adm@eomw2024.com